Friday, October 27, 2017

Israel, why are some people so blind? TO BIBLICAL TRUTH!!!

Dear friends and readers,

I cannot tell you how many articles I have written about Israel not to mention dozens of other writers who explain what is really happening with Israel both physically and spiritually.  And you know I do fully understand why the "WORLD" does not get it.  What I fail to understand is why so many self professing Christians simply cannot or will not believe what the Bible itself says about Israel.

Maybe it will always be that way?  I certainly hope not and I will (along with many others) continue to explain the truth.  But if this is so utterly frustrating to me, can you imagine how frustrating it must be to people in Israel?  You know right about now I could bury this article in scripture from both the Old and New Testaments---every bit of which will support Israel.  Fill it full and then some.  Painstakingly defend Israel from a Biblical view point and also tell about what is actually happening on the ground over there.  But I have learned that people who read about Israel generally fall into two very different camps.

1).  Hate Israel and the moment she is mentioned tune out regardless of truth.

2).  Love Israel and mostly already know and understand the scriptures that guys like myself include in our articles.  Very little middle ground.

So why do I even bother?  Why do we who do understand spend hours and hours of research, writing time and even longer in proof reading when it probably will change no ones mind?  Maybe it's a heart thing.  I know it is for me.  I know it is for the Lord because His Holy Word says so---repeatedly!   I know it was way back 2000 years ago for the Apostle Paul.  I know it was as long ago as about 3,500 years ago for Moses and succeeding generations of Biblical prophets.  You know the message about Israel has never changed.  Not once but somehow many within the church still do not get the picture.

Fortunately there are increasing numbers of believers who are having their eyes opened to the truth but I have to ask myself a question?  If the subject of Israel is so incredibly important to me and many others that I know, how is it that there are a reported 2 billion 500 million Christians on planet earth and still phony outfits like the United Nations can get away with distorting the truth, utter lies and false propaganda that is so completely ridiculous yet so many people suck it up like candy?

You know the Old Testament speaks of Watchmen on the walls.  Specifically in the book of Isaiah chapter 62: 6-7.  "I (God) have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem;  They shall never hold their peace day or night.  You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent, and give Him (God) no rest till He establishes and till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth".  In the New King James edition, chapter 63 is entitled "THE DAY OF MESSIAH'S REVENGE".  And revenge someday their most certainly will be.  Clearly it is up to every single person who "make mention of the Lord".  To do what?  To plead the case for Jerusalem in the very throne room of God.  No, God doe's not need help.  He could do this all by Himself.  Yes, He has instructed us to pray.  I sometimes wonder if some folks ever think about the fact that God obviously wants a true and loving partnership with His created children?  You know, a teamwork effort?

I have one title, Pastor, plain and simple.  Can't tell you how many people carry around business cards identifying themselves as an Apostle or Prophet.  I generally throw those directly in the pig trough.  For you city folk that means the round file---garbage can.  If someone needs to tell people they are a Prophet or Apostle I can almost guarantee they are not.  Titles are a dime a dozen.  I tell you that because I would never dream of naming myself as one of God's chosen watchmen.  Still, while I draw breath I am going to do exactly what this scripture says because I do in fact make mention of the Lord every chance I get.  Are we as believers not supposed to do that?  And I know many more folks who feel exactly the same way but not nearly enough to change the evil tide of misinformation peddled nearly daily by news media around the globe who are in the pockets of corrupt politicians.  How about you?  Are you ready to stand up for Israel?  Frankly, to do otherwise is to stick your finger in God's eye!

Where is the outrage within the church when Israel is targeted for destruction by evil empires?  Oh yes, there is some outrage as should be the case when anyone is picked on.  Where is the challenge of truth against those who publish outright lying propaganda against God's chosen people and the boarders of land given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who's name was changed to ISRAEL by God Himself.  Where are the voices of literally millions of believers who have gone on tours to Israel and say they loved every minute of it?  How is it that false teachers have turned entire major denominations against Israel,  "THE APPLE OF GOD"S EYE"?  (Zechariah 2:8).  And why is it that those false teachers can get away with peddling that stuff without being caught "dirty" by all those people sitting in pews with Bibles on their laps?

What we see happening should not surprise us if we really are in the end times because the scriptures clearly state that the nations will turn against Israel.  (Joel 3:2, Genesis 12:3, Zechariah 12:1-14, Revelation 16:13-16, Psalm 83:1-18, Malachi 4:1, Ezekiel 38:1-23, Luke 21:24).  Shall I go on? Because there are very many more scriptures that any Bible reading believer cannot possibly miss on the subject of God's true love and heart toward Israel and His chosen people?  No, it should NOT surprise us but that does not take anything away from this being one of the chief travesties of all time.

Let's see, what did that say again in Isaiah 62?  "You who make mention of the Lord do not keep silent"!  I wonder what will happen at the judgement seat of Christ if that question is asked?  Oh, well maybe the Lord will forget or leave that one out?  Do I sound frustrated?  I am only a pleb (common person) when it comes to Israel.  We have only been there 9 times.  But do you know what I saw with my own eyes there?  Israel supplying electricity and water to Gaza.  Israel passing through truck loads (literally tons) of food and other supplies to them every single week.

Arab/Muslim cab drivers personally telling me that they would much rather live under Israeli sovereignty because their kids can go to school, they can have businesses, they are respected as citizens of Israel.  Did you know that the Israeli's nearly ALWAYS send relief and medical teams to other countries experiencing floods, earthquakes, plagues and food shortages?  Did you know they even send teams to countries who hate them?  Just last month Israeli teams were helping in Mexico during the big earth quakes (not that the Israelis are hated by Mexicans because that would be a real stretch of the truth).  But you get my point---I hope!  It is simply NOT the way it is portrayed in the press.

Does Israel sometimes make mistakes?  Certainly as do all nations.  Are they eating Palestinian children (as is taught in many of the PA schools)?  No that is so ridiculous it is not even worthy of discussion.

Did you know that leaders of Hamas and other terror organizations frequently send their own family members to Israeli hospitals?  Did you know that the Israeli hospitals treat these people with respect and give them the same level of care they give their own citizens?  And then guess what?  Those same leaders turn right around and preach hate toward Israel and encourage bomb attacks, rockets flying toward Israeli schools and people walking down the street peacefully to suddenly be struck down with a knife in their back?

The anti Israel rhetoric worldwide is at an all time high and becoming a mega blast, a literal cacophony of ugly hate filled, violent and threatening Anti Semitic verbal flotsam that is becoming dangerously close to starting a war that no one wants but few make any effort to avoid.  A great portion of this is being generated within the hallowed halls of the United Nations.  A totally worthless organization if I ever saw one. It amazes me that the UN human rights commission actually has members on it from Muslim nations that openly practice female genital mutilation, will not allow women to attend school nor go shopping without a male family member in attendance, practice honor killings of female family members who cannot even legally drive a car. What an awesome example to the youth of the free world.

In the Old Testament days King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines plus a torrid affair with the infamous Queen of Sheba.  (At the risk of cracking wise during a very serious article, can you imagine having 1000 wives telling you where to move the couch?).  Until the 17th century early tradition had it that Solomon housed his many wives and concubines on a small hill called the "HILL OF EVIL COUNSEL" which is still located south east of Jerusalem and just south of the  Valley of Hinnom.  If you recall this great and wise King was slowly drawn into idol worship at the end of his life by all these women, many of whom were from foreign Kingdoms.  Ergo---EVIL COUNSEL!

Additionally, It is believed to be the very last meeting place between Judas and some of the Pharisees  while making a pact for Judas to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.  After Judas killed himself, those same 30 pieces of silver were used to purchase a plot of ground also believed to be part of the site of the Hill of Evil Counsel.  On that same general topographical hill was supposedly located,  the house of the Priest Caiaphas who was instrumental in proclaiming the intended death of Jesus.  Not an awesome history for that particular plot of dirt.

As a final evil turn of fate, guess what is located on the Hill of Evil Counsel today?  United Nations headquarters Jerusalem!

This is either the worst possible slap in the face to Israel or depending upon the way you look at it, a major act of somewhat dark heavenly humor on the part of God Himself.

Folks, the Lord Jesus Christ was a Jew.  He still is a Jew and always will be one. The very roots of Christianity began in Jerusalem and a large portion of the first century church were Jewish.  There have always been Jews who recognized Christ as their Messiah albeit few in numbers until the rise of the current Messianic church which is now thriving and growing in Israel.  Romans chapter 11 is an in depth focus by Paul the Apostle regarding exactly what a follower of Christ is in relation to Israel.   It is impossible to read that chapter and come away  as an enemy of Israel.  But somehow that either happens or Romans is not being taught.

Coming into the end of time as the church knows it, Israel will have no other friends than true followers of Christ.  It is time for our voices to be heard.  It is time for all of us to be watchmen on the wall.

God bless,
Pastor Rance.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Israel in the Middle east, a VERY dangerous neighborhood!

Dear friends and readers,

I sincerely hope you are all doing well today and are enjoying your salvation.  Speaking  of salvation, can you believe that it all came about through the sacrifice of one man?  Makes me wonder if I would do what Jesus did for a bunch of total strangers.  How about you?  But hey, what counts is that we are about our Fathers business, keeping Jesus commands and doing everything we can to help those around us.

I want to talk to you today about one of my favorite subjects, ISRAEL.  Before I do, a great big "shout out" to all of you who are following my blogs and sharing them with your friends and neighbors.  The Lord just blessed me with a new reader in Malta which means now that folks in nearly 50 countries are tuning in.   Once someone from a new country locks on the upward spiral slowly begins.  There are now many readers in some countries and a few in others but that is the way it goes when writing on the Internet.  I now have over 130 lengthy articles on the net and am pleased when I see folks looking up articles that I wrote 2-3 years ago plus of course the new weekly editions.  Thank you one and all.

As usual a week cannot go by without Israel making news in some way.  Generally speaking, negative news because few news sources are positive about Israel in the slightest way.  Too bad to because the God of the Bible is extremely firm on what will happen to ANY enemies of Israel.  So, New York Times or Bible?  Take your pick because in few cases you cannot agree with both.

Let's take the new US President for example.  Setting aside all the personality stuff, I think he will actually get around to moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem one day but not anytime soon.  For now in the face of extreme problems with both Iran and North Korea, the USA needs all the help it can get from Arab nation partners in the Middle East and the day the Embassy moves is the day that help will disappear.  So, for now as only 1 vote, I can give President Trump a pass on this issue.  But not forever.  I wrote a letter to President George Bush years ago and told him in no uncertain terms that I was dropping out of his party permanently because he violated his word to move the Embassy. I actually received a letter back. A form letter but better than nothing---at least some overworked secretary responded. The fact remains that I have been an independent ever since.  As a Christian and an avid supporter of Israel, this issue is vital to me.

I have come to believe that once having sat in the big Oval Office chair, something happens to these guys---new Presidents.  An invisible source/power reaches up and grabs them.  The name of the source is "I will be the greatest President ever if I can make peace in the Middle East".  We could shorten that to the acronym "IWBTGPEIICMPITME"!  No that won't work, it sounds like something out of ancient Sandskrit.  I know let's make the acronym a simple "IKICBDBIHNRMBL" (I know it can be done but I have not read my Bible lately).  Whoops, far too long.  How about "JETA" (Just explain the advantages). OK, finally we have it.  The JETA syndrome!

Of course the US president is not the only one suffering from JETA!  Let's see, we have the Germans, the French, the English, several other NATO countries, The United Nations Security Council and oh that's right, lets not forget the Palestinians!  JETA is spreading.  Unfortunately not one single leader among them has read their Bibles either.  My Bible tells me (Daniel chapter 9) that there is one and  only one man in the entire world who will eventually bring peace to the Middle East.  Of course we don't know his name yet.  Maybe we do after all. That's right now I remember his name is "antichrist"!

Have you seen the new WONDER WOMAN movie yet?  Boy oh boy don't you love all these super heroes?  Superman, spiderman, Batman, Wonder Woman.  Oh and Tony Stark, AKA Ironman?  Dude!

The list of the past US Presidents all the way back to George Herbert Walker Bush includes 29 continual years of Biblical blunder from 5 Presidents all of whom claimed to be Christians but who obviously were trying to be "Captain America".  Without reading the Bible.  How do I know that? Because the Bible is filled with warnings directly from God and He makes it crystal clear what will happen to nations who divide up His land.

Then on the super evil side is the infamous "antichrist"!  Arch villain and sworn enemy of mankind, not to mention sworn enemy of THE CHRIST!   The real Christ.  Son of God, Messiah of Israel?  I would be in such depression over recent news reports except for one thing.  I have read the back of the book.  As in "the BIBLE" which tells me that not only will NO President ever bring about true peace or most probably not even a a two state solution in the Middle East but neither will anyone else until the REAL evil one is let loose on planet earth.

Who could we compare antichrist to?  How about the big green guy, "the Hulk"?  Or a new ultra evil "Transformer" boss?  Maybe he is next in line---stay tuned for another movie.  You know they kind of fit the antichrist image in ways.  Cagy little dude who when ticked off becomes a giant green guy of ultimate destruction, who cannot be reasoned with.  Or some 65' Volkswagen turning itself into one humongous mechanical beast with an extremely bad attitude and "take over the world agenda".

How does that fit with the future antichrist you say?  Well, some of the super heroes turn from one thing to something quit different in the blink of an eye.  So too will the future antichrist!  Since this is not intended to be a Bible study, I will give you reference so you can look it up for yourself.  You can read all about the antichrist in the Books of Daniel and Revelation with brief mention in Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 8.  Basically at some point in the future someone will begin to dominate news cycles and he will be extremely charismatic and seem like a good guy coming on the proverbial ole white horse, with an agenda to make peace between Israel and her neighbors.  There is understandably all kinds of opinion and argument "out there" in the world of theology but many believe this guy is a throw back to the old Roman Empire and might even be a Jew himself.  That is only opinion and although worthy of note to say the least, the Bible does not specifically say that so I don't teach it.

On the other hand it is a very large stretch for me to believe that anyone but a Jew could ever convince Israel to give up her weapons in exchange for peace.  How and why do I think that would happen ? Ezekiel chapters 38-39 speak of a huge war  someday that will be waged against Israel and it describes Israel at that time of (all of Israel) dwelling in safety---in a land of unwalled villages, a peaceful people having neither bars nor gates.  Have you ever been to an Israeli city? Nearly every single house is guarded by walls, bars and gates.  Something very big has to happen to change all that and I personally don't think either the Rabbis or the Israeli Government would ever allow security changes that severe unless they thought it was being arranged by their long awaited Messiah.  And so who exactly is the "antichrist"?  The exact antithesis of the true Christ, the Messiah of Israel.  Hello!

Bottom line is that he "confirms a covenant (peace deal?) with many for one week.  Daniel goes on to explain all kinds of interesting stuff about Israel in the end times and it is clear that this "covenant "is for 7 years.  It may well allow Israel to build the third Temple but then this seemingly good guy goes completely ballistic when he is taken over spiritually by satan himself 3 1/2 years into the original 7 year contract.  He goes from ultimate good guy impersonating Messiah, to satan incarnate.

NOTE:  I am one of only a few theologians in this world who do NOT believe that the current Dome of the Rock is built over the exact location of the first and second Jewish Temples location for the Holy of Holies.  If that is true, there will be no necessity for the Dome to be torn down in order to build the third Temple.  The two, under such a peace deal could coexist which would mean the Dome of the Rock is actually located in what would have been the court of the gentiles.  I know, I know, call me crazy but maybe you should at least examine this possibility because I can never imagine ANYONE---charismatic antichrist or not, talking the Arab, Muslim world into tearing down their third most holy site for the sake of peace with anyone, let alone the dreaded enemy, Israel.  But that's a subject for another day.

So the drum beat continues.  Peace at any cost including a rapidly growing worldwide chorus of people and nations demanding that Israel give up land for peace including 1/2 of her ancient holy city and capital, Jerusalem.   NO peace deal is worth that since the God of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob (Israel) placed all that land and more in the custody of Israel and even she does not have a right to cede it to anyone else because in reality it belongs to God!

This week in the news, the organization Fatah has reportedly worked out a deal with Hamas which includes Hamas ceding authority and de-militarizing which would include giving up weapons that have historically used against Israel.   RIGHT!!!~  So if you believe that can I sell you a bridge to no where?  Then of course Iran says it is in fact keeping the deal President Obama made with them to stop their program of production toward  nuclear weapons capability.  But they refuse to allow the slightest inspections to confirm the fact.  Do they actually believe we are all "daft"?

North Korea continues to beat the war drums and have demonstrated that they do in fact have long range ballistic missiles and nukes plus have threatened to use those nukes on the USA, Japan and Israel?  More great news!

Russia and China publicly "make nice" about problems in Syria, North Korea, The North China Sea and other topics.  Does anyone actually believe either of them?

Going back to Hamas and the new Cairo accords reached this week with the P.A  (Fatah).  They promise not to attack any more Jews in the West Bank as part of the "NEW PALESTINE" peace deal?  That is nothing more than political speak for "when Israel is wiped out completely we will then have our NEW PALESTINE.  PLEEEEASE!

On other fronts, Hezbollah is stating it's determination to maintain the ability to attack America in addition to Israel. Yet another gift wrapped present.  The gift wrapping paper made of lies and empty promises.  The ribbon made of innocent blood.

And the pressure is growing daily from many Jews and also many Christians for Israel to begin construction of the third Temple.  You can imagine how well that is being received within the Arab, Persian, Turkish Muslim world.  NOT!

Did you see that both Israel and the USA  have dropped out of UNESCO this week?  That's UNESCO as in "United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural organization.   Well, it's about time!

And into all of this daily escalation steps a new US President who has clearly fallen pray to the "JETA" syndrome.  Just like all of his predecessors, who each and everyone thought they could do the impossible.  Without the antichrist on the scene (which I personally do not think he is yet), there will only be failure upon failure to achieve lasting Middle East peace.  Well, that is IF you think that peace for only 3 1/2 years is LASTING?

Yes, indeed, the Middle East is a very dangerous neighborhood. Stat tuned friends because it will only become worse from now on.

Please remember the admonition in Psalm 122:6  "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:  May they prosper who love you".

God bless and see you next week,
Pastor Rance.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

ISRAEL, what is it really like?

Dear friends and readers,

Thought I would take a few moments today and share my heart with you about what being in Israel is really like.  In a world gone completely nuts, Israel is actually a very peaceful place to be.  Yes, there are terror attacks and political intrigue at an unprecedented level.  But, for many (dare I say most) Christians to set foot on Israeli soil for the first time is an unforgettable experience leaving hunger for more.

We had dinner a few nights ago with a man by the name of Gerald and a couple of his friends. Gerald put the feeling of being in Israel in the old proverbial "nutshell".  When he returned, he told his church family that his bible had just gone from black and white to "technicolor"!  How graphic, I could not have said it better myself.

Have you ever been on a long vacation---a fun one---but when you finally arrived home and stepped through your front door, you had that moment of sigh and the feeling that it was SO good to be home?  After all, the age old sentiment that "theres no place like home" is pretty well universal for most of mankind.

Without the slightest prompting, I cannot tell you how many people have had that distinct feeling of "coming home" when they first stepped foot on the tarmac at Tel Aviv airport.

Brandy and I have had the pleasure to lead a few groups to Israel---church groups one and all.  These were teaching tours and to be a group host in Israel is 24-7.  Someone always has a headache, an argument with a spouse, tired and grumpy, Ladies forgetting that it is "just a potty break" and  rather than getting back on the bus, find themselves snared by yet another shopping line (-:  And a plethora of other maladies that strike mankind on long trips away from home.  On the flip side of that is the absolute pleasure of sharing with folks, the joy they feel at being in a place like no other.  Literally the most beautiful and fascinating place on the globe.  Now when I say "beautiful" I am not speaking esthetically because in all honestly with few exceptions Israel could never compare to the beauty and grandeur of Yosemite, the Grand Tetons or Lake Tahoe.

No, Israel is not so much physically beautiful as it is a place of "unforgettable experience".  What it lacks in esthetics is more, far more made up for in Biblical history and ancient grandeur that leaves one in a sort of etherial shock that takes months to sort thorough after a visit.  I tell each tour group that after day three of the tour you will have seen and experienced so much, you will have trouble remembering day 1.

Then there are the preconceived ideas that most folks  seem to experience before a trip.  I remember when leaving on a missions trip to Malaysia and India, Brandy and I pictured Kuala Lumpur as a smoky little jungle town surrounded by jungle and infested with monkeys.  When we arrived we stepped into a humongous modern airport in a city with multiple story shopping malls and (at the time) the tallest building on planet earth.  But guess what? When we arrived at our guest housing there was in fact a monkey sitting on the back fence.

On our first trip to Israel, we were guests on someone else's tour.  We had heard that tour groups by law must have a qualified Israeli tour guide.  Even with lot's of travel under our belts, we pictured our tour guide as wearing a long robe (obviously hiding a curved dagger), a turban, drooping mustache, patch on one eye and a monkey on his shoulder.  Another wrong assumption!  What we discovered over the years are a cadre of extremely well educated men and women who are one very small step below archeologists, all with college degrees and great levels of humor mixed with the kind of knowledge that would be the envy of anyone seeking higher education.

Ah, Israel.  That first trip was back in the day when cameras required rolled film.  I remember well that I had an extra bag along containing 60 roles of film and exhausted every one of them long before the tour had ended.  The plan was to rush home and have them all developed.  That was many years ago and today, somewhere out in storage are 60 roles of undeveloped film.  No need because Israel is a place that literally burns it's own landscape, ancient culture and locations deeply into your permanent memory.


Well for starters, we as Americans think it great because we have buildings in Washington D.C. and Philadelphia that are over 250 years old.  Israel has buildings that date back well over 3000 years and in fact a recent article claims an archeological team outside Jerusalem may have uncovered the remains of a house nearly 10,000 years old.  No matter where you look in Israel, it is either ancient or built on ancient ruins.  Lot's of people go to the Holy Land to see the antiquities, and admittedly they are fascinating.  But the most fascinating part are not the ancient dead stones but rather the current living stones represented by the only civilization in the entire history of the world that has been repeatedly trashed and thrown onto the scrap heap of history, only to come back again and again and ad-infinitum!

The sights, sounds and visuals of a culture and land that has been trodden down by thousands of generations of people, both Jewish and conquerors, is simply something that defies adequate explanation.  The City of Jerusalem for example.  It could never qualify as a modern city the like of which can be seen in New York City, Moscow, London, Paris or yes even Kuala Lumpur.  And yet it is the most valuable real estate on earth.  Fought over generation after generation, lived in, died in, tortured in.  Conquered, re-conquered but always returned eventually to Jewish control. The reason for that is simple: The Jewish people were chosen by God over 3000 years ago as His own special people and Jerusalem according to the Bible in 4 different verses including Zechariah 2:8 is the APPLE OF GODS EYE! Daniel 9:19  states clearly that both God's people (the Jews) and the City (Jerusalem) are called by His Name. Jerusalem is mention in the Bible 800 times. Today it is the mostly hotly contested city on earth by everyone from Arab nations, Persian, Turkish, Eastern European, to the United Nations and of course the actual eternal, legal owners of Jerusalem, the Jewish people.

To walk the old city streets of Jerusalem is an experience beyond all others. It is actually possible (in a few spots) in Israel to step on the exact stones tread upon by Jesus Christ. The Sea of Galilee, Tiberius and surrounding country side will leave a permanent lump in  your throat. Too climb the Arbel and look past  Galilee and over the Golan Heights into Syria in the extreme distance is breath taking. To ascend the mountain fortress of Herod the Great (Masada) and step where 960 Jews gave their lives in a suicide pact rather than submit to the Roman Army is heart wrenching. But also brings a level of permanent reality as with one slight turn of the head you can see at the bottom of the mountain the exact foundation stones of the Roman Army barracks while also seeing the proud Israeli flag still flying, proclaiming that never again will Israel be overrun by conquering armies.

But not all is that ancient.  Israel has been fighting once again for it's very existence since the day it proclaimed statehood of May 14, 1948.  We came  across something that most tour groups sadly ignore.  Outside Jerusalem some distance away is the AYALON INSTITUTE of REHOVOT.  Circa 1945 through 1948 the "HAGANA" (Part of the Israeli military of the time) established a top secret ammunition factory below (literally underground) a laundry facility right under the noses of the British army.  During these years, over 2.25 million bullets were made for the 9 mm Sten sub machine gun used by the Israelis coming into the war of Independence.  To visit this remarkable place is a memory all unto itself.

I could literally write pages more and not scratch the surface of what is represented in Israel from the Hall of Independence in Tel Aviv to Caesarea and on up to Caesarea Philippi in the north and Eilat in the south.  We have been to the majestic ancient city of Petra in Jordan and stood upon the very top of Mount Nebo where Moses overlooked the promised land.

Folks, if you have never been to Israel, do yourselves a favor.  Save up, start your planning.  Take the plunge because I guarantee that your Bible reading time will never again be the same.  When you return you will open your Bible and picture yourself standing in the very spot written about.

Ah, Israel. According the scripture, the place that all followers of Christ, both Jew and gentile will spend all of eternity.  The NEW CITY OF JERUSALEM. Revelation chapter 21:2 and Ezekiel chapter 40.  I urge you to go now and see what the ages have preserved. Experience Jerusalem now to get an idea of where you will live forever more.

God bless you all,
Pastor Rance.