Dear friends and readers,
What is your position on Israel---as a follower of Christ?
ISRAEL is an enigma among many Christians today. What a shame because it should not be. On the other hand in the beginning of the first century, Acts chapter 2 tells the story of the fledgeling church immediately after the resurrection of Christ. Verse 1 tells the story for all to see. "When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they we're all with one accord in one place".
Today roughly 2000 years later, NO ONE could accuse the church of being "WITH ONE ACCORD". Denominationalism has taken over. In fact worldwide among an estimated 2.2 Billion believers, there are over 30,000 denominations ranging in size from huge to infinitesimal. But they are certainly not in one accord on many issues, the most prominent of which is ISRAEL!
But first let's set the prophetic stage by reviewing what God has to say about Israel; Genesis 12:3. The scene is one in which Abram (later called Abraham) is spoken to by God Himself. "I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed". It should be noted that some versions of the Bible say "I will curse those who MAKE LIGHT OF YOU"! One way or another whether folks curse Israel of even make light of her they are stepping directly into the path of a divine curse by the Creator of the Universe. Heavy stuff to be certain.
Just as a reminder, Abraham had a son named Isaac who in turn had a son named Jacob who was later renamed ISRAEL by God. And then Israel became the father of 12 sons who became the fathers of the nation of Israel. To both of Abrahams sons, Isaac and Israel, God repeated both his promise of blessings and His grant deed to the land that Israel would eventually possess. I am sometimes asked where in the Bible do these promises occur? For your study and benefit I have listed them as follows; Genesis 13:14-17, 15:1-7, 17:1-8 and 15-19, 22:16-18, 26:2-5 and 24, 28:13-15, 31:13, 35:9-12. And God made an unconditional promise of blessing through Abrahams seed 1). To the nation of Israel to inherit a specific territory forever (Genesis 12:2, 15:18-21, 17:7-8). 2). To the gentile nations (Genesis 12:3). 3). To the church as in Christ ( Galatians 3:16, 28-29).
Abraham did in fact have another son by the name of ISHMAEL who Abraham loved very much. He also received Covenant promises from God but those promises were completely separate and distinct from Promises and Covenants made with Isaac and Israel. Our subject matter today is only the Covenant promises made in regards to the nascent nation of Israel.
If you believe in the Bible as all true Christians should, these promises are eternal and without dispute. But somehow along the way, massive numbers of Christians belonging to several large denominations have gone off the Biblical rail in regards to Israel.
All of the following major denominations have come out against Israel (and in many cases boycott) in the strongest terms. Despite the fact that Israel is mentioned in the Bible 2591 times. 1). United Church of Christ. 2). United Methodist. 3). Presbyterian Church USA. 4). British Methodist Church. 5). United church of Canada. 6). South African Council of Churches. 7). Malaysian Council of Churches. 8). Church of Sweden. 9). World Council of Churches Central Committee. And although this is no reflection upon individual churches within the Catholic Church, Frequently some of the statements and stances taken by the current Pope towards Israel seem to be extremely anti semitic.
To put that in perspective for you, 31% of the entire worlds population (6.9 Billion or more) are among people who claim to be Christians. A large percentage of those are represented by anti semitic denominations who have blatantly disregarded scripture, the promises and covenants of God and for political gain or purpose have turned against Israel and sided with the so called Palestinian people.
I mentioned earlier that the name of Israel is listed in scripture 2591 times. Guess how many times PALESTINIAN is mentioned? ZERO! Although to be honest there is some contention about that. The pro Palestinian crowd likes to say that "Palestinian" is mentioned in Joel chapter 3 verse 4. Truthfully not so for the following reasons; Joel chapter 3 verse 4 does use the Hebrew word "PLESHETH" however that word has been mistranslated to "Palestinian" when in reality the actual word is translated as "Philistia or Philistine (Strongs # 6429). The Philistine people dwelt in the ancient area of Syria and were alternately enemies and on a very few occasions a tiny bit friendly towards Israel. Mostly enemy. The Philistine people are no more. They disappeared from the pages of history eons ago. NO TRACE LEFT of that blood line.
You may remember the name YASSAR ARAFAT? Until his death at the age of 75 on November 11, 2004, he was the President of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). It was this man who dialed up an entirely false narrative and lineage for the current occupants of the West Bank and Gaza and insisted to the United Nations and the world at large that they are direct descendants of the original Philistine peoples. A false narrative in every single aspect. But people being people have a tendency to believe whoever it is that is last speaking and speaking the loudest. The reason Arafat promoted this lie is because if he could get the world to swallow it, he could make the case that the PALESTINIAN peoples ancestors pre dated the Israelis in the promised land. You know there is an old truth that bears telling; A truth that is only 99% truth is all lie! There is no relationship between the current Palestinian people and the ancient Philistines.
Also a subject of extreme contention is the ancient City of Jerusalem. The center of the city is the ancient Temple Mount upon which sat both the first and second Jewish Temples. 2 Samuel 24:24 records the fact that King David purchased the threshing floor that later became the Temple Mount from a man named "ARAUNAH" for 50 Shekels of silver. That was in the 10th century B.C. His son King Solomon began building the first Temple on that spot and it was completed in 957 B.C.
Why is this important? Because other claims of the Palestinian leadership and many other Muslims of the Middle East is that Jerusalem and specifically the Temple Mount were owned by Muslims before Jews and in many cases they flatly deny any Jewish or Israeli history on that spot at all. However there is a small problem; Namely about 1500 years. The Prophet Muhammed (founder of the Muslim or Islamic religion) was not born until 570 A.D. and his life spanned only 62 years until his death on June 8 in the year 632 A.D.. The oldest standing shrine venerated by the Muslim peoples was in fact built upon the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in the 7th century A.D. a very long time after King David purchased the ground. That building still stands and is called the Dome of the Rock, a shrine but not a Mosque. Many people believe that the Dome is situated exactly over the original Holy of Holies of the Jewish Temple but I disagree with that for a variety or reasons. A subject for another article. One way or another Israel occupied the Holy Land and in particular Jerusalem centuries before Muhammed ever existed or founded the religion of Islam.
The City of Jerusalem is the capital of the modern nation of Israel as it was in ancient Israel. Not only the Bible but well established historical records confirm that statement as fact. Today the Palestinian leadership is trying to claim East Jerusalem as their capital. Within that area is located the Temple Mount and Israel will never give that land up. EVER! Nor should they. For the record, I do have sympathy for the so called Palestinian peoples. They were shafted big time but not by Israel, They were shafted by the other Arab and Muslim peoples of the Middle East and to this day are being used as political pawns by the enemies of Israel. They are being ruled by the leaders of HAMAS in Gaza and FATAH in the West Bank. Fatah still operates under the old PLO charter but now refers to itself as the PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY (PA). Both of these organizations and their leadership have as a part of their original charters, the goal of the total and complete destruction of Israel. The people themselves have been brain washed by hatred and bigotry against a people (Jews in general) who have only one stated goal; To live in peace! You may want to notice that Israel does not call or consider her soldiers an offensive army. It is the IDF (Israeli DEFENSE force). It is reported that Israel has nuclear weapons. Have you ever one time seen or heard of Israel threatening any other nations with her armaments? No! They seek only peace with their neighbors.
I would like to see the Palestinian people have a homeland But not within the boarders of the land promised to Israel by God many centuries ago. I have written extensively about that in other articles so will not belabor the point now.
The fact that the Temple Mount and by extension, all of Jerusalem is so hotly contested today is one of the surest indicators that the world really is approaching if not already in the "END TIMES". This should be no surprise to any Christian who actually reads their Bible. God clearly declared through the prophet Zechariah (Zechariah 12:2) "Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem". That siege is on the horizon and has already begun politically. There are currently 193 member nations of the United Nations General Assembly. Plus two observer nations. 1). The Palestinian Authority 2). The Holy See.
What is the Holy See you say? Many people do not know that the VATICAN (Headquarters of the Catholic church---the Holy See) is in fact an independent nation tucked into a large enclave within the city limits of Rome.
Of the total 193 voting nations, 128 of them just two weeks ago voted against the United States moving it's Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Why? Because these nations do not want to give recognition to Israel that her ancient capital of Jerusalem is still her capital today. At this very moment there is such an uproar and furor over this issue that I believe Zechariah's prophecy is playing itself out before the eyes of the world. This is extremely serious stuff folks. Zechariah goes on in verse 3 to state "And it shall happen in that day that I (GOD) will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; All who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though ALL NATIONS OF THE EARTH ARE GATHERED AGAINST IT". Right now the United States and a few other nations are standing with Israel and in support of their capital city of Jerusalem. But that will change at some point in the future. Now please pay close attention to Zechariah chapter 12 verse 9; "IT SHALL BE IN THAT DAY THAT I (GOD) WILL SEEK TO DESTROY ALL THE NATIONS THAT COME AGAINST JERUSALEM"!
Scary and yet the peoples of the earth seemingly have no idea that the Creator of the Universe will do exactly as He has proclaimed. Which brings me back to the subject of the confused and conflicted church worldwide. Not the entire church because there most certainly are denominations and individual pastors who understand the importance of Israel and Jerusalem in the mind and heart of God. Many of these are called "Evangelical Christians". This is a trans-denominational, very large (and growing) group of churches, pastors and individual believers who understand that the Bible is accurate and that there is only one way to God and that is through Jesus Christ. Also most Evangelicals do support Israel and Jerusalem as it's capital city.
For those who are members of denominations who do not support Israel, I can only say that you have been duped by false teachers. You are in big trouble. In my opinion you cannot claim to love Jesus Christ who is the Messiah of Israel and at the same time reject His natural brothers and sisters the Jewish people. You can in compassion try and help the Palestinian people but you cannot do so at the expense of Israel.
In closing this article I want to most emphatically point out a scripture to you in Matthew chapter 7 verses 21-23 (Jesus speaking) "Not everyone who says to Me Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day , Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name, cast out demons in your name, and done many wonders in your name? And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; Depart from Me, You who practice lawlessness!"
The MANY who practice lawlessness obviously feel that they are followers of Christ. They most probably attend church, pay their tithes, help in the homeless shelters or do works of the Spirit and yet Jesus says He does not know them. While I am not the judge, it makes me wonder about what the Lord thinks about people who claim to follow Him but despise His place of birth, His natural brothers and sisters and His Holy City of Jerusalem as far as being the Capital of Israel is concerned. I can only urge everyone reading this article to take a serious look at scripture and ask yourself a question? Is it better for me to listen to false doctrinal narrative from my denominational leaders or to listen to the Voice of God Himself?
By reading this article you have been advised. There is an old saying that goes like this; "A little bit of knowledge can be the most dangerous thing in the world". Before you act or continue to act against Israel and Jerusalem please take the time to become well informed regarding what God has to say about these subjects. Your eternal destination could well hang in the balance.
God bless,
Pastor Rance.
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