Monday, April 23, 2018


Dear friends and readers,

I wrote an exhaustive article regarding Biblical numerology on June 13, 2017 and you can find it listed in the archives of another of my blogs at

The title was "BIBLICAL NUMEROLOGY AND MYSTICISM? TAKE YOUR PICK BUT DO IT CAREFULLY!" In that article I drew a distinction between worldly mysticism which often includes a system of occultism built around numbers---and very real Biblical numerology that is frequently referred to as "GEMATRIA". Gematria is the word that describes the calculation of letters in specific words to determine a numerical evaluation.

This article is back by popular demand since many readers of the Bible do understand that numbers play an important part in scripture. For example, numbers such as 1, 3, 6 (or in some cases 666), 7, 17, 40 and 70 (plus several others) are repeated in verifiable cycles throughout the Bible.

Todays article will zero in on the number 7 which appears 700 times throughout scripture. Coincidence??? No, actually there is a verifiable pattern that is fascinating to behold.

Lets begin with a passage from Joshua 6:4 ""----SEVEN Kohanim carrying SEVEN rams horns preceding Aaron. On the SEVENTH day, march around the city SEVEN times, with the Kohanim blowing the horns". This is a passage describing the prelude to the destruction of the ancient city of Jericho." This is the 6th chapter of Joshua when Israel was in the good graces of God but interestingly it was in the SEVENTH chapter that things changed drastically and God's anger arose against Israel and they were defeated at the battle of Ai. This 6 and 7 combination is reminiscent of God creating the heavens and earth on 6 days and resting on the SEVENTH day--listed in the first book of the Bible, Genesis. Also in the 10 Commandments of Exodus chapter 20, the SEVENTH day is decreed by God as being Holy as the Sabbath day of rest. Interestingly the Sabbath is listed as the 8th commandment which according to Gematria is the number (8) of new beginnings.

Methinks God has a plan! Exodus 25 lists the furnishings for the Tabernacle in the wilderness and the number of branches on the Menorah are SEVEN. This Menorah has been a symbol of Judaism for over 3000 years and is still one of the symbols of modern Israel to this very day. Isaiah 42:6 states that the Jewish people are to be the light unto the nations and the Menorah represents that light.

There were SEVEN patriarchs and matriarchs from whom God chose to create the Jewish people. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca (Rivka), Rachel and Leah. There are 613 Biblical Commandments listed for the Jewish people, divisible by SEVEN=87. A common thought is that the "laws of Noah" listed SEVEN things that gentiles should live by; 1). No worship of false idols 2). No cursing God 3). No murder 4). No sexual immorality 5). No stealing 6). No eating uncooked flesh 7). Ruling through justice. These were later refined during the New Testament era when a council of the Apostles was held in Jerusalem (Acts15:20) as 4 rules for gentiles to live by 1). No idol worship 2). No sexual immorality 3). Don't eat anything that has been strangled 4). Don't eat blood. These things were directed to the new gentile followers of Christ and the three things left off the list were 1). No cursing God 2). Ruling through justice 3). No stealing, all of which Christ Himself taught on and therefor were already common practices among believers.

Leviticus 24 lists PASSOVER as a SEVEN day feast while living in booths (sukkah) rather than houses. Exodus 12 proclaims that during this time unleavened bread shall be consumed for SEVEN days. Many Jewish people symbolically invite into their Sukkoths, SEVEN Biblical figures. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron and King David.

From Passover to Feast Of Weeks (Shavout) is exactly SEVEN weeks. Throughout history including today, each and every calendar week is SEVEN days long. In ancient times farmers were required to bring SEVEN kinds of produce to the Temple during Feast Of Weeks (Deuteronomy 8:8); 1).Wheat 2). Barley 3). Grapes 4). Figs 5). Pomegranates 6). Olives 7). Dates. Also today many people believe we are in the last days and the total population of the world is just over SEVEN billion.

Leviticus 25 decrees that the Sabbatical year (SHMITA) is every SEVEN years. Every SEVEN sabbatical cycles ends at the completion of the 49th year and the 50th year is a Jubilee year. The Jubilee is the 10th day of the SEVENTH month on the Jewish religious calendar which is month of Tishri (except during leap years).

During ancient (and some modern) Jewish weddings the brides walks circles around the groom SEVEN times. SEVEN blessings are said under the marriage canopy. Frequently in ancient times the wedding was followed by SEVEN feast days.

Mourning a close relative is called "Sitting Sheva" and is done for SEVEN days.

In the Old Testament God lists the SEVEN things that He hates in Proverbs 6:16 1). A proud look 2). A lying tongue 3). Hands that shed innocent blood 4). A heart that devises wicked plans 5). Feet that are swift in running to evil 6). A false witness who speaks lies 7). One who sows discord among the brethren.

Isaiah 11 speaks of SEVEN spirits of God 1). Rest 2). Wisdom 3). Understanding 4). Counsel 5). Might 6). Knowledge 7). Fear of the Lord.

The SEVEN decreed feasts (or days of repentance) are 1). Passover 2). Unleavened Bread 3). First Fruits 4). Pentecost 5). Trumpets 6). Day of Atonement 7). Tabernacles.

In the New Testament the book of Matthew speaks SEVEN parables. The book of John lists the SEVEN I AM statement of Christ. Also in John are listed the SEVEN signs Jesus performed 1). Water to wine 2). Healing an officials son 3). Healing a paralytic 4). Feeding 5000 people 5). Walking on water 6). Healing a man born blind 7). Raising Lazarus from the dead.

Matthew 18 mandates that we forgive SEVEN times SEVENTY times. Matthew 23 has Jesus pronouncement of SEVEN woes on the teachers of the law. The book of Revelation displays SEVEN stars in Jesus right hand. SEVEN horns and SEVEN eyes on the Lamb of God. SEVEN letters to SEVEN churches. A SEVEN sealed scroll. SEVEN angels with SEVEN trumpets. The SEVENTH trumpet. SEVEN seals. SEVEN trumpets. SEVEN bowls of judgement. SEVEN thunders. SEVEN spirits to judge the earth.

For those who ask, "what makes you think the Bible is real and written by God through His holy prophets"? They could begin by reading this article.        

With our Great and Holy God, nothing is left to chance. Every single word of the Bible is true. There are no conflicts, only misunderstandings by men who believe they know more than God. Without the Bible we have zero moral ground upon which to stand. Without it mankind is lost forever. The Word of God cannot be separated FROM GOD! They are one. "Hear O Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one". Deuteronomy 6:4 and Mark 12:29.

This same God loves us so much that He understands that we humans with our finite little minds could never ever fathom all that He, the Creator of the Universe is. He therefore demonstrates Himself to us as three separate and distinct personalities, all contained within ONE GOD. He is the Father, He is the Son, He is the Holy Spirit.

Amen for that because otherwise we would all be in big trouble.

God bless you all today,
Pastor Rance.
OH, and a small P.S. A remarkable scripture appears in the book of Hosea chapter 6 verses 1-3 which of course was written to Israel but how interesting it is! It will be fun for you to figure it out.

"Come and let us return to the Lord; For He has torn but He will heal us; He has stricken but He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us; On the third day He will raise us up, that we may live in His sight. Let us know. let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord"!

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