Tuesday, November 18, 2014

It's time to WAKE UP!

by Rance Cook

We are entering a period in the history of mankind in which evil, sinful, violent activity is viewed by many people as not only accepted but celebrated. Honest God fearing people, particularly in Christian Nations are being labeled as hate mongers and cowed into silence by radical movements who engage in political agendas which at the very core are evil and un-Biblical. Even large portions of the church are turning to the support of sin in the name of freedom of speech and expression.

These people have become the victims of false teachers! 

The evil things and trends we are witnessing today  have been repeated through out all of history since the tower of babel and even before that to a time in which evil became so rampant that God destroyed the entire world through worldwide flood and catastrophe. But who can deny that we are seeing a level of depravity today that is unprecedented in all of history. 

Now for many people the Bible has become a source of strength and support for justifying evil acts by taking scripture completely out of context. 

These kinds of people, many of whom claim to be Christians are doing all they possibly can to silence real Christians and pastors who take the word of God literally and speak the truth from their pulpits.

These things should not surprise us.  There is ample evidence in scripture, penned by God’s Holy prophets who were inspired by the Holy Spirit. this evidence tells us that a time of ultimate evil is rapidly approaching which will make all past evil in this worlds history pale by comparison.

There are certain things in life that God has made extremely clear and will not in the end be tolerated.
Hate, violence, sexual perversion, destruction of life, anti semitism (among others) have become for many a celebration of the willful aggression against several  different people groups,first among them the Jewish people and falling only closely behind them true believers in Christ.

 If we truly believe that all mankind was created in the image of a Holy God, then we must also be color blind people. The color of any man’s skin or his ethnic origin should only serve to celebrate the fantastic human plethora  that has been bestowed upon mankind by a Creator who’s desire is Himself to spend all of eternity with His beautiful creation.

The support for a people that God has clearly chosen, our Jewish brethren and the Nation of Israel should be a goal for all Christians worldwide coupled with an unfailing commitment to also pray for the salvation of every other ethnic and cultural group living on this planet.

Instead what we see happening is a rapid degeneration within the church and a rush to “political correctness” that can only lead to destruction by those who practice or even advocate such things.

In todays world we see a rush by many to deny God’s word and by doing so to deny the very God who created that word. By doing so, it opens the door to hatred and a rapidly expanding rejection of Godly principles. What many who claim the title of “CHRISTIAN” apparently do not realize is that no matter how much they may wish it to be so, God’s desire for mankind, as written in the Holy Bible cannot be changed.

Israel and her natural descendants are the chosen of God! Perfect at this time? Absolutely not. However it is also obvious that God is working very diligently through His preconceived plan to bring all of Israel into fellowship with Himself.

The church’s job on this earth is aptly described by the Apostle Paul in the eleventh chapter of the book of Romans. As believers in Jesus Christ, when we have repented for our sins and accepted the free gift of eternal grace that is offered to all of mankind through His (AND ONLY HIS) sacrifice on the cross of Calvary, we become ingrafted into the root which is Israel. Under no possible stretch of the Biblical imagination can any true believer in Christ justify a belief that the Church has replaced Israel in the mind and heart if God.

On the other hand we must also accept the fact that the church is made up of both Jew and Gentile and those gentiles come from every color, race and ethnic origin on earth.

What we see today are many “CHRISTIANS”---self confessed,  who are turning away from Israel and instead standing in support of her enemies who celebrate openly on the streets, giving candy to their children when innocent civilians and children are butchered with axes, bombs, guns and other heinous acts are perpetrated in the name of a false god. But this wanton destruction is not limited only to the Jews is it? No, now Christians women are being captured in some countries, raped, beaten and sold as sex slaves. Children of several ethnic groups are being killed and in some cases beheaded.

Entire family groups in areas of Africa, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and endless other areas are being systematically wiped out merely because they have different colored skin or belief systems.This is wrong no matter what religious system they may have been taught.

The world is upside down and becoming worse by the day. These are on the one hand most certainly signs of the end times but that does not mean real Christians should simply role over and hide if fear and trembling. This is a time in which the church needs to stand up for what is right. But that “SO CALLED RIGHT” must also match what scripture tells us is Biblical truth.

First, although we are not supposed to be judgmental, it is non the less abundantly clear that we are supposed to be fruit inspectors. It is time to stop being fooled by false teachers, wolves among the sheep and evil non Biblical doctrine and political agendas that only lead to destruction.

It is time for the church to vote. However it is not a time for settling! It is past the time when we can afford to vote for the “least of the two evils”.

It is time for us to take a stand. It is time for us to become vocal and remind the world of what is truly important, even though it may not be popular.

It is time that we say NO, we will not accept this terrible, indiscriminate violence. We will not accept being labeled as hate mongers. It is time we tell the world that there are over two billion of us who support traditional family values, support the right to life, reject all forms of hatred no matter who it is leveled at. It is time that we stand up and tell the world that we support Israel and reject categorically all forms of anti semitism.

It is time that we stand up and say, you may not take down our crosses. You will leave our Ten Commandments alone. You will not refuse to allow our children to pray in school. You will not downgrade our religious freedoms or our guaranteed freedom of speech. 
You will not get way with telling us that we cannot display a Nativity scene our our own front lawns.

by Rance Cook

Jesus said in Matthew chapter 7 verse 13-14 that the only way that leads to eternal life is through the narrow gate.

In the same chapter in verses 15-20 we are warned about false prophets, wolves among the sheep and that we will know other true believers by their fruits.

It is time to stop being fooled by anyone who claims to be a Christian but who also supports non-Biblical doctrines!

And, by the way; Yes Christianity has some very e
very black spots in our collective history. Some people carrying shields, crosses, and swastika’s did unspeakable things that were evil, and violent and disgusting. But that was not THIS generation and I for one am getting tired of hearing about how “YOU CHRISTIANS”, enslaved great grandpa, rode to the crusades, burned people in the inquisitions., and used our skin for lampshades and burned us in ovens.


I DID NOT DO THOSE AWFUL THINGS and neither did the Christ that I serve. Take a break---don’t try and put that stuff on my plate or anyone of multiple millions of Christians worldwide in THIS GENERATION who are trying to do things in a way that demonstrates the peace, grace and love that is commanded by our Lord.

You know every single night on the news channels we hear Muslims saying that only a small portion of that religion are blood thirsty depraved terrorists. OK, got it, no problem. Now when are we going to begin drawing a line between real Christians and phony ones who only use that Great Name for self seeking purposes?    
So, the question is really this? What do you think would happen if over 2 BILLION TRUE believers actually did stand up and very strongly and vocally said “NO NO NO!  I promise you that this world is run by politicians and even some of the worst kings and dictators BASED UPON THE FEAR that the masses may rise up and vote them out!
The final question is, WILL WE? 

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