History repeats itself, often in extremely dangerous ways; King Solomon stated “There is nothing new under the sun”, “That which has been is what will be and that which is done is what will be done”!
Things and circumstances often seem new to each generation but a careful study of history will dispel that myth. The things that change are people and subtle issues of circumstance but generally speaking mankind is prone to repeat his mistakes, hatreds, loves, zeal for power, pride and folly time after time after time after-----!
This very week signals what may be a close repeat of something that happened in the 5th century B.C. Or if nothing else, a lead up to the very same circumstances that occurred roughly 470 years after Christ walked the earth.
The events in those days are recorded in the Biblical book of Queen Esther. This book is only 10 chapter long and is available in any modern version of the Bible so I am not going to belabor the entire story. Basically this is the story of a Jewish Queen married to Persian King by the name of Ahasuerus (also called Xerxes).
There are several main characters in this timeless story but it all basically boiled down to four personalities. The King was extremely powerful and controlled a huge portion of what is the Middle East today. The Queen who is the actual star (Esther actually means STAR) of the Book of Esther was a very beautiful but shy lady who rose to power on the heals of another Queens failure.
Then we have a good guy and a very bad guy; The good man was a Jew by the name or Mordecai who had at one time saved the Kings life. He was also Esther’s relative and raised her after the death of her parents.
The bad man in this story was very bad. He was a greedy, self deceived, jealous man who hated Mordecai and because he was a Jew, actually plotted to kill all of the Jews living in Ahasuerus Kingdom. This mans name was Haman who was an advisor to the King. The usual evil plots and scheming took place until he was able to convince the King to order the destruction of all Jews in his Kingdom. In those days once a Royal decree was signed into the official records, not even the issuing King could reverse it.
Mordecai discovered this evil plot and enlisted the help of his niece, Queen Esther. Even though she was the Kings wife she was not allowed to enter into his presence without prior invitation. Taking a chance with her own life, she did approach the King and through miraculous circumstances the entire plot was exposed, the Jews saved from death, Mordecai elevated to the Kings right hand man and Haman suffered the very death he had plotted for so many others.
Ancient Persia is called Iran today. I am certain that anyone reading this article knows that the religious leadership of the current Nation of Iran has openly announced on many occasions over the years that his desire is to annihilate all Jews in Israel and in fact upon the face of the earth.Todays Iran is a huge country with a well equipped modern army and is seeking to develop nuclear weapons. Some experts indeed say they are very close to realizing that goal.
Historically the United States has been a great supporter of Israel and the Jewish people. Things have changed along that line rather dramatically during the past few years and the current leadership of the USA seems intent upon estranging Israel to the point of seemingly turning its back on the only free democracy in the Middle east---ISRAEL!
Into this mix comes the Prime Minister of Israel man who is a very serious confirmed Zionist.
I should clarify what a Zionist is before moving on with our adventure; A Zionist (myself included) is a person who believes that the Bible is true. That God said certain things in that Bible that can never ever change. One of the core issues involved are the covenants that God gave to the Jewish people through Abraham, his son Isaac and his son Jacob. Jacob’s name was later changed by God to “ISRAEL” and he became the progenitor of the original 12 tribes of Israel.
A Zionist is a person who believes that God was serious when He gave the land of Israel (eternally) to the Jewish people and no one else on this planet has a right to that land nor a right to give it away---not even the Jews themselves.
I will throw something else into the pot that I personally believe as a Zionist. We know that the modern State of Israel came back into being on May 14, 1948. However Israel was in fact founded by God Himself well over 3,500 years ago. The Jews were scattered from the land by the Roman legions in A.D. 70 and roamed the earth for the past 2000 years. However there has always been a Jewish presence in the land and after this Diaspora (scattering of people with a common origin), God began bringing His people back home to Israel and as such the date of May 14, 1948 really represents a reconstitution of a Nation that has always been in the mind and heart of God!
This is not really an article about Biblically fulfilled prophecy but the fact remains that there are very many Biblical prophecies that foretold this reconstitution of the Nation of Israel. The fact that it happened should be a surprise to no one.
This week is extremely important and may well portend a severe changes that could effect all of our lives. Each and every year since the events of Queen Esther and the saving of the lives of the Jewish people living in those days, Jews (and many Christians) around the globe celebrate the feast of Esther. Which this year begins Wednesday March 4, 2015 (On the Jewish calendar---13 Adar in the year 5775---since the creation of man).
The day before, on Tuesday March 3, the Israeli Prime Minister is scheduled to give a speech before the United States Congress. His agenda will be to lobby congress to support continuing sanctions against Iran so they cannot obtain a nuclear weapon and thereby eventually fulfill their leaders promise to destroy Israel.
I lay no claim to being a prophet called by God. However it is pretty hard to miss the fact that this monumental speech is scheduled during the exact time frame that happened in the 5th century B.C. and that the circumstances are also exactly the same. THE THREAT OF IMPENDING TOTAL ANNIHILATION OF ISRAEL AND THE JEWISH POEPLE!
At the same time, the United States Government is obviously stepping way back from it’s historical friendship with Israel. While I cannot know exactly what is in the mind of the U.S. President, it certainly appears that he is supporting Iran’s goal of obtaining nuclear weaponry. Also many of the elected leaders in Washington D.C. who represent the political left are planning to boycott the Prime Ministers speech. INCLUDING THE U.S. VICE PRESIDENT!
I must ask myself what kind of signal that is sending to the enemies of Israel and for that matter the allies of the United States who are witnessing The current U.S. Government throwing it’s closest ally under the old proverbial bus?
So lets see who these players are today;
Lets call Queen Esther the Nation of Israel.
Mordecai would be Benjamin Netanyahu the Prime Minister of Israel.
Haman would be the leader of Iran and by extension anyone helping him develop the power to destroy Israel---including the U.S. President if in fact that is what he has in mind.
The Jews will once again be saved.
Mordecai will once again survive
Haman will once again be destroyed through his own evil planning.
Let us hope that good will prevail and that those with evil intent will not take a great Nation like the United States down with them.
For those of you who say something like that could never happen to the good ole U.S.A?
Well lets see what history tells us about that shall we?
ALL of the following Nations tried in some way to destroy Israel.
1). Ancient Egypt GONE!
2). Philistines GONE!
3). Assyrian Empire GONE!
4). Babylonian Empire GONE!
5). Persian Empire GONE!
6). Greek Empire GONE!
7). Roman Empire GONE!
8). Byzantine Empire GONE!
9). Crusaders GONE!
10). Spanish Empire GONE!
11). Nazi Germany GONE!
12). Ottoman Turks GONE!
13). Soviet Union GONE!
14). P.S. Did anyone happen to notice that the British Empire is a mere shadow of it’s former self (after siding with the Arabs and against the Jews before the events of 1948)?
IRAN ????
United States ???? the heavenly jury is out for both.
SPECIAL NOTE! For those of you Christians who are turning your backs on Israel please remember that Jesus Christ is the Messiah of Israel. God clearly chose Israel and the Jews as His own special people. Hebrews 10:30-31 “Vengeance is mine, I will repay says the Lord. The Lord will judge His people”. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God!
This is not a good time to be aligned with the enemies if Israel.
God bless,
Pastor Rance.
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